Support for Young People

We are currently developing the service we provide for young people and this is what we are now offering:-


  • Support for children 11 years and above (Secondary school age)
  • Young people 16 years and above can come for counselling unaccompanied
  • Venue may be Welton Methodist Chapel, Welton Children's Centre or another appropriate venue; depending on the age of the child.  Sometimes this can also be within the school setting.
  • All counsellors providing counselling to children on behalf of Welton Counselling Practice have been DBS checked and have undertaken up-to-date Safe-guarding training.


Children 11-15 years


  • Must be accompanied by a parent / caregiver and permission given for counselling
  • Depending on each individual child, a decision can be made on whether the parent / caregiver will stay in the waiting room or come into the counselling room.  Usually it is best for the parent / caregiver to wait outside.
  • Confidentiality is different for children and this is discussed at the Assessment / Initial Counselling Session.  Information sharing is encouraged where necessary but still adhering to confidentiality where possible.


If you would like to discuss counselling support for children please contact us for more information on tel: 01673 863022 or e-mail us at





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